三鲜汤:Three-Delicacy Soup
三鲜鲍鱼:Three-Delicacy Abalone
三丝烩鱼肚:Fish Soup
软炸蟹油:Soft-Fried Crab
软炸番茄:Soft-Fried Tomato
软炸豆角:Soft-Fried Carob Beans
软溜狗肉片:Braised Dog Meat Slices
如意蛋卷:Egg Roll
肉沫海参:Braised Sea Cucumber with Mashed Meat
人体每日允许摄入量:acceptable daily intake (ADI)
瓤馅鸡肉饼:Pie Stuffed with Chicken Meat
全家福(韩国):Braised All Delicious
清蒸鲻鱼:Steamed Mullet
清蒸蒜茸带子:Steamd Scallop w/ Garlic Sauce
清蒸甲鱼(韩国):Stewed Turtle
清蒸八宝鸭:Steamed Duck with "Eight-treasures"
清汤鲤鱼丸:Clear Soup with Carp Balls
清炖哈士蟆:Stewed Forest Frog and Chicken
清炖狗肉:Stewed Dog Meat
清炒时菜:Sautéed Vegetable
青椒肉饼:Green Pepper and Meat Pie
青椒炒猪肉:Fried Pork with Green Pepper
茄子沙拉:Eggplant Salad
茄子肉饼:Eggplant and Meat Pie
茄汁虾:Prawns with Ketchup
荞麦煎饼:Ble Noir
荠菜炒鸡片:Fried Chicken Slices with Shepherd's Purse
气相/液相色谱仪:Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.
气调贮藏:controlled atmosphere storage
漆匠萝卜:Boiled Radish Strips
苹果焖牛肉片:Braised Beef Slices with Apple
苹果炒牛肉片:Fried Beef Slices with Apple
平菇鲫鱼汤:Mushroom and Crucian Soup
枇杷狗肉:Loquat Dog Meat
膨化食品:extruded food
烹鹌鹑:Fried Quail
配料表:charge mixture list
培菌:bacterium cultivation
糯米全鸡:Stewed Chicken Stuffed with Rice
牛杂碎汤:Cattle Sweetbread Soup
牛肉清汤:Beef Soup
牛肉泡菜汤:Beef and Pickled Vegetable Soup
牛肉丁豆腐:Braised Bean Curd with Beef Dices
柠檬牛油煎西冷:Fried Sirloin Steak with Cattle Oil
柠檬鸡球:Lemon Chicken
柠檬炒虾球:Lemon Shrimp
酿海盖:Stuffed Crab