耳环鱿鱼:squid-shreds in Sichuan style
鳄梨生鲑鱼:Avocado and Fresh Salmon
鹅肝温沙拉:Goose Liver Salad
鹅肝酱煎鲜贝:Fried Fresh Scallop with Goose Liver Jam
多味鱼汤:Savory Fish Soup
炖猪脚:stewed pig's feet
炖鸭:stewed duck
炖牛掌:Stewed Cattle Hoof
豆皮:soy protein and soy oil oxide
豆腐虾:Tofu & Shrimps
豆腐皮寿司:Beancurd Sheet Sushi
豆腐牛肉:Tofu and Beef
豆腐花:Tou Fu Hua
豆腐海带汤:beancurd & kelp soup;beancurd & edible seaweed soup
豆腐干丝汤:dry beancurd shreds soup;shredded dried beancurd soup
豆豉蒸排骨:steamed spareribs with fermented black beans
豆豉蒸鲤鱼:carp steamed with fermented black beans
豆豉虾仁:fresh shrimp with black beans
豆豉生蚝:stir-fried oysters with black beans
豆包:wet skin of beancurd
豆瓣鸭块:duck cutlets in chilli sauce
豆瓣牛肉:beef in chilli bean sauce
豆瓣鲤鱼:carp braised with hot bean paste;crucian carp in chilli bean sauce
豆瓣鳜鱼:mandarin fish in chilli bean sauce
洞房喜汤:Lucky Soup in Bridal Chamber
冻鸡:frozen chickens
动物性食品:animal products
冬瓜鸭块:duck cutlets with white gourd
冬瓜三味汤:three-flavored white gourd soup
冬瓜火腿夹:hamstuffed white gourd in broth
冬菇鸭杂汤:white gourd
冬菇汤:winter mushroom & duck giblet soup
冬菇扣肉:red-fried vegetarian pork with winter mushroom
冬菇鸡片汤:sliced chicken & mushroom soup
冬菇冬瓜汤:winter mushroom and winter melon soup
冬菇菜心:winter mushroom & mustard green stem
冬菇白菜:winter mushroom and Chinese cabbage
冬菇扒豆腐:braised Chinese mushrooms & beancurd
东江豆腐煲:Tofu in Clay Pot
地枣狗肉条:Fried Common Squill Bulb and Dog Meat Strip
灯笼鸡:chicken wrapped in cellophane/paper
刀豆:Sword bean
党参炖鸡:Stewed Chicken with Gensing
蛋制品:egg products
蛋皮鱼卷:fried fish roll
蛋饺:egg dumplings
蛋煎鱼:Fried Fish with Egg