经济体制改革和政治体制改革:reforms in the economic and political structure
经济适用房:Economically affordable housing
经济渗透:economic infiltration
经济社会理事会:Economic and Social Council
经济社会局:Department of Economic and Social Affairs
经济良性循环:sound cycle of economy
经济立法:economic legislation
经济客位全费机票:full economy class ticket
经济结构战略性调整:strategic adjustment of the economic structure
经济结构的战略性调整:Strategic adjustment of the economic structure
经济滑坡:economic decline
经济核算:economic accounting
经济合作与发展组织(经合组织):organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
经济调整:economic adjustment
经济的社会化、市场化、现代化:socialization,marketization and modernization of the economy
经济的持续高速发展:sustained and rapid development of economy
经济承包制:management contract system
禁止拉票区:no canvassing zone
禁止逗留区:no staying zone
禁毒处(保安局):Narcotics Division [Security Bureau]
晋级考试:Promoted tests
进一步密切了军政、军民关系:Strengthen the relations between the armed forces and the local governments,and between the military and civilians.
进修奖励计划:Learning Recognition Scheme
进项税信贷:input tax credit
进宫:be put in prison;be sent to jail;be taken into custody
进出口总额:gross import and export
进出口经营权:import-export operation right;power to engage in import and export trade
紧身的衣服:tight-fitting clothes
紧俏:sell well (commodities);in short supply
紧急避孕药:Emergency contraceptives
金属建材制造者协会:MBMA (Metal Building Manufacturers Association)
金属工艺制品厂:Metal Handicraft Plant
金属板条及钢框协会:ML/SFA (Metal Lath / Steel Framing Association)
金章(优良服务):gold pin [meritorious service]
金元外交:dollar diplomacy
金税工程:Golden Tax project
金融重组:financial reform
金融寡头:financial oligarchies
金瓶擎签:lot-drawing from a golden urn
金领工人:gold-collar worker
金鸡奖:Golden Rooster Awards
金(黄)色的,黄金般的:golden adj.
借用物品记录册:loan register
借用;借调:on loan
借调人员:officer on secondment
介于休假天之间:intervening [leave]
解决贸易争端:settle trade disputes