军事预算:military budget
军事训练与考核大纲:The outline of Military Training and Evaluation
军事学硕士专业学位设置方案:the plan of setting up specialities for master's degree of military science.
军事素质和政治素质:military capability and political consciousness
军事素质:Military quality
军事机构:military organization
军事过硬:militarily competent
军事分界线:military demarcation line
军事法院:military courts
军事法规:military statute
军事对峙:military confrontation
军事拨款:military appropriations/military allocations /defense budget
军嫂:Military spouse
军人住房补贴制度:System of housing subsidies for servicemen
军民一心:The soldiers and civilians are of one heart.
军民一家:The Army and the people are one family.;The army and the people-one family.;Soldiers and people are one family.
军民团结:the unity between the army and the people;army-people unity
军民联欢:an army-civilian get-together;Civilians and armymen had a merry get-together.
军民联防:united army-and-civilian defense;army-civilian joint defense;join-defense by army and civilians
军民结合:civil-military integration
军民兼容:for dual military and civilian use
军民兼顾:give consideration to both the army and the people/take care of the needs of both the army and the people
军民共建精神文明活动:joint army-civilian efforts to promote socialist ethics and culture in their respective units
军民共建精神文明:build advanced units through the joint efforts of the army and the masses
军律严明:Military laws are peremptory.
军火工业:munition industry
军工企业:military enterprise
军工联合企业:military industrial complex
军队退役医疗保险:Medical insurance for demobilized servicemen
军队离退休人员生活费标准:Living expense standards for PLA retirees.
军队高层次应用型专门人才的培养迈上一个新的台阶:marking a new stage in the training of high-level professional for the armed forces.
军地两用人才:armymen trained to be competent for both military and civilian jobs
军备限制办法:approaches to arms limitation
军备集结:arms build-up
绝缘材料厂:insulating material factory,insulating material plant
决战时刻:zero hour
捐资办学:donate money to build schools
聚集效益:habitat benefit
聚赌:group gambling;gamble in a group
具有中国特色:with Chinese characteristics
具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团:Gradually forms a batch of internationally competitive conglomerates
具有法律专业资格的人员:legally qualified officer
具备多种办公室技能的支援队伍:multi-skilled general support service
巨无霸:giant;extra large
举行公众集会/游行意向通知书:notification of the intention to hold a public meeting/procession
举报中心:corruption-reporting centre
举报信箱:complaint mailbox
举报监督电话:hotline for public report and supervision
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已:bend one's back to the task until one's dying day;give one's all till one's heart stops beating
居所资助津贴正式申请书:Formal Application for Home Financing Allowance