记帐式国库券:inscribed treasury bond
记名债券:registered bonds
记大过:record a serious demerit
计算机化战争:computerized war
计时工资制:time-rate wage system
计划生育- 世界人口组织:Planned Parenthood C World Population
计划内招生:planned enrollment
计费方法/按秒计费/按分计费:Calculating telephone fees/ per-second calculation/ per-minute calculation
集资办学:raise money to set up new schools
集中处理地址数据的系统:centralized address system
集团消费:institutional spending
集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的制度:system combining collective leadership with individual responsibility
集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定:collective leadership,democratic centralism,case-specific consultation,decision through meeting
集体承包:be contracted to collectives;collective contract
集思广益:group argumentation
集束炸弹:aimable cluster
急人民所急,忧人民所忧:making the desires and worries of the people one's own
急功近利:to eager for quick success and instant benefit
极限运动:maximal exercise
即印相片:instant photo
即时传译主任:Interpreter (Simultaneous Interpretation)
即期消费:temporary consumption
即开式奖券:scratch-open ticket;scratch pad
吉日良辰:auspicious day
激励约束制度:encouraging and controlling rules
激光唱片:digital audio,compact disc
缉毒:Drug Enforcement
基督教女青年会:Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA)
基督教会联合会:World Council of Churches (WCC)
基础阶段(档案管理策略):foundation phase [Records Management Strategy]
基本月租费:basic monthly fee (charges)
基本薪金总额;底薪总额:gross basic salary
积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策:a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy
积极的财政政策:active fiscal policy
积存的假期;假期总额:leave balance
积存的假期:leave in credit
鸡尾酒疗法:cocktail therapy
鸡蛋碰石头:like an egg striking a rock;attack… stronger than oneself
机械修理厂:Machine Repair Plant
机械督察:Mechanical Inspector
机构内部投诉处理计划(现处计划)(申诉专员公署):Internal Complaint Handling Programme [INCH Programme] [Office of The Ombudsman]
机构改革:organization reform
机读形式:machine-readable form