显示锁定:Indication Locking
咸鱼蒸鲜鱼:Steamed salt fish and fresh fish
咸鱼蒸肉饼:Steamed minced pork with salt fish
咸鸭蛋蒸肉饼:Salted duck eggs with steamed minced pork
咸鸭蛋:salted duck egg
咸小菜:Salted vegetables
咸头:Salted pig's head
咸梭子蟹:Salted sea crab
咸肉豆腐汤:Salted pork and bean curd in soup
咸辣菜:Salted vegetable with chili
咸蛋蒸肉饼:Steamed minced pork and salted egg
咸蛋肉片汤:Sliced pork and salted eggs in soup
咸菜烧豆腐:Fried bean curd with salted vegetable
咸菜肉丝面:Sliced pork noodles with salted vegetable
咸菜鸡片汤:Soup with salted vegetable and sliced chicken
咸菜豆瓣沙:Mashed broad beans with salted vegetable
咸菜炒蚬肉:Fried clams with salted vegetable
咸菜炒乌贼:Fried cuttlefish with salted vegetable
咸菜炒百页:Fried shredded tripe with salted vegetable
咸菜煲鸡:Roast chicken with salted vegetable
弦切面,伤痕材:slash cut
闲聊,也有争吵的意思:chew the rag
纖維混凝土:Fiber reinforced concrete
鲜竹卷:Tender tips of bamboo shoots
鲜鱼馄饨汤:fresh fish won ton soup
鲜鱿鱼:Fresh squid
鲜虾云吞:Shrimp won ton(dumplings)
鲜虾土司:Shrimp toast
鲜虾仁炒面:Fried noodles with shrimps
鲜虾梅花饺:Shrimp' dumplings
鲜虾豆腐羹:Shrimp and bean curd thick soup
鲜虾冬瓜粒:Winter melon(white gourd)and prawn soup
鲜虾扒豆腐:Stewed shrimps with bean curd
鲜虾扒草蘑:Straw mushrooms with shrimps
鲜豌豆饼:Fresh pea pie
鲜笋鱼肉球:Fish balls with bamboo shoots
鲜笋炒乌贼:Fried cuttlefish with fresh bamboo shoots
鲜笋炒鸡丝:Sliced chicken and bamboo shoots
鲜笋炒鸽片:Sauteed pigeon slices and bamboo shoots
鲜水果沙拉:Fresh fruit salad
鲜肉咸肉炖萝卜汤:Fresh and salted pork with turnips in woup
鲜奶炖宫燕:Bird's nest in milk
鲜奶布丁:Milk pudding
鲜蘑油菜:Fresh mushrooms with rape
鲜蘑蟹肉:Crab meat with fresh mushrooms
鲜蘑豌豆:Saute straw mushrooms with peas
鲜蘑素烩:Stwed mixed vegetables with straw mushroom