稳态波动压力:steady-state wave pressure
稳水头流量:stable head discharge
稳流过程:steady flow process
稳健的货币政策:moderate monetary policy
稳度试验:stability test
稳度 、稳定:stability
稳定香港协会有限公司:Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong Limited
稳定土壤:stabilized soil
稳定土路:stabilized earth road
稳定试验:stability experiment
稳定时间:stable time
稳定情形:stability condition
稳定泡沫钻井液:stable foam drilling fluid
稳定路基:stabilized subgrade
稳定流出:stable effluent
稳定砾石路面:stabilized gravel surface
稳定检讨:stability investigation
稳定货币假设:Stable-dollar assumption
稳定高度:magic thickness
稳定方差:stabilize variance
稳定的均衡:stable equilibrium
紊流流速:turbulent velocity
紊流流场:turbulent flow field
纹鼬:Mustela strigidorsa
纹胸啄木鸟:Picoides atratus
纹背捕蛛鸟:Arachnothera magna
文字处理操作员:Wordprocessor Operator
文竹:asparagus fern
文艺发展公司:Literatureand Art Development Company
文书打字兼秘书:Clerk Typist & Secretary
文眉机:eyebrow-tattooing apparatus
文眉:Eyebrow tattoo
文科学习:Liberal Arts
文康市政上诉委员会:Municipal Services Appeals Boards
文具匣:stationery case
文具室:stationery room
文睫毛线:upper eyeline
文件检索系统 [文献检索系统]:document retrieval system
文件包:file packet
文化专员:Cultural Attaché
文化类旅游娱乐场所:tourist recreational spot of cultural kind
文化开拓公司:CulturalExpansion Company
文化服务公司:CulturalService Firm
文化部:Ministry of Culture
文法推论:grammatical inference