虾吐司:Shrimp toast
虾汤:Shrimp soup
虾沙爹:prawn satay
虾仁杂碎:Shrimp chop suey
虾仁鱼肚:Fried fish maw with shrimps
虾仁吐司:Shrimp with croutons
虾仁汤面:Noodle soup with shrimps
虾仁沙拉:Shrimp salad
虾仁滑蛋:Fried shrimps with scrambled eggs
虾仁海参:Stewed sea cucumber with shrimps
虾仁锅粑汤:Shrimp and crispy rice soup
虾仁锅粑菜:Shrimp and crispy rice with vegetables
虾仁锅粑:Shrimps with crispy rice
虾仁干贝:Shrimp and scallops
虾仁芙蓉:Shrimp with egg white
虾仁炖蛋:Shrimps with steamed egg
虾仁豆腐:Shrimps with bean curd
虾仁炒面:Fried noodles with shrimps
虾仁炒坚子:Fried razor clam with shrimps
虾仁炒饭:Shrimp fried rice
虾仁炒蛋:Shrimp omelette
虾米芹菜:Shrimp and celery
虾龙糊:Shrimp in lobster sauce
虾捞面:Shrimp with boiled noodles
虾胶瓤鸭掌:Ducks'web stuffed with shrimp
虾胶瓤北菇:Mushroom stuffed with minced shrimps
虾脊兰类:Calanthe spp.
虾菜拌兔丝:Sliced rabbit with shrimps and vegetables
細砂:Fine sand
細流沖蝕:Rill erosion
細料:Fines (Fine fraction)
細粒土壞:Fine - grained soil
細度模數:Fineness modulus
细嘴鸥:Larus brunnicephalus
细紫叶朱蕉:Cordyline terminalisvar.bella
细轧碎 石机:tertiary crusher
细叶婆婆纳:Veronica linariifolia
细纹噪鹛:Garrulax lineatus
细纹苇莺:Acrocephalus sorghophilus
细泥砂,泥砂土:silty sand
细面条白汁鸡腿:Chicken legs with thin noodles
细角尤犀金龟:Eupatorus gracilicornis
细集料;幼骨料;细骨料:fine aggregate
细分与目标选择:segmentation and targeting
细分市场:market segmentation
细分筛:shifting screen
细度:degree of fineness
细调常数:Tuning constant