限期治理:deadline governance system
线圈形成:loop formation
线落坑:run-off stitching
线步种类:stitch type
线步松:grinning stitch
线步密度:stitch density
现在,我确实希望这样:And now,I do expect that
现实主义理论渊源:antecedents of realist theory
现实政治:reality politics
现磨咖啡:Fresh Ground Coffee
现观庄严论:Ornament of Clear Realization
现代企业制度:modern enterprise system
现代国家体系:modern state system
险峰:perilous peaks
显法/显乘:Sutra Way
咸鱼茄粒炒饭:Stir-Fried Rice with Salty Fish and Diced Eggplant
咸烧饼:Spiced Sesame Pancake
咸肉焖山猫:braised hare with bacon
咸肉煎蛋:fried eggs with bacon;bacon and eggs
咸冬瓜蛤蛎汤:Clam Soup with White Gourd
咸点:Assorted Salty Chinese Pastry
咸蛋肉饼:Steamed Minced Pork with Salted Egg
咸蛋黄珍宝蟹:Sautéed Jumbo Crab with Salted Egg Yolk
咸蛋黄炒肉蟹:Sautéed Hard-Shell Crab with Salted Egg Yolk
咸菜虾仁:Sautéed Shelled Shrimp with Preserved Vegetable
咸菜大鳝煲:Stewed Eel with Preserved Vegetables in Casserole
贤劫经:Bhadrakalpa Sutra
鲜榨蔬菜汁:Fresh Vegetable Juice
鲜榨青柠汁:Fresh Lemon Juice
鲜榨果汁:Fresh Juice
鲜虾小馄饨/虾肉云吞汤:Shrimp Wonton Soup
鲜虾西芹:Sautéed Shrimps with Celery
鲜虾生肉包:Baozi Stuffed with Shrimp and Pork
鲜虾烧麦仔:Shrimp Shaomai
鲜虾春卷:Spring Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps
鲜豌豆炒河虾仁:Sautéed Shrimp with Fresh Beans
鲜水果配沙巴洋:Fruit with Sabayon
鲜蔬菜沙拉:fresh vegetable salad
鲜肉云吞面:Noodle Soup with Pork Wonton
鲜人参炖土鸡:Braised Chicken with Ginseng
鲜奶煮蛋:Boiled Eggs with Fresh Milk
鲜奶馒头:Milk Mantou
鲜蘑猪柳配米饭:Steamed Rice with Sliced Pork and Mushrooms
鲜蘑鸡肝:Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel
鲜蘑炒蜜豆:Sautéed Mushrooms with Sweetened Beans
鲜蘑炒蛋:mushroom omelette/omelet;omelette/omelet with mushrooms