户外工作:outdoor work
户内工作人员;内勤人员:indoor staff
户内工作;内勤:indoor work
互助委员会:mutual aid committee [MAC]
互谅互让:mutual understanding and mutual accommodation
互动演示:interactive demonstration
呼吁早日结束战争:call for an early end to the war
候选人填报个人简历须知:notes on the preparation of a brief introduction for inclusion in the official leaflet
候鸟企业:migrant enterprise
候补中央委员:alternate member of the Central Committee
候补委员:alternate committee member
后续投资:follow-up investment
后勤辅助安排:logistical arrangement
后勤保障社会化改革:the socialization of logistic support in non-combat units
后备行动人员:operational relief
后备替假人员编制:leave reserve establishment
后备替假人员:leave reserve
后备人员;补缺人员:operational reserve
宏观决策:macroscopic decision-making
红十字与红月会国际联合会:International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCS)
红马甲:floor broker;floor trader
弘扬互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样化文明,谋求共同发展的上海精神:Features mutual benefit,equality,consultation,respect for diverse civilization and seeking common development.
轰炸航空兵:bombardment aviation
横向式档案架:lateral filing rack
桁屋架板协会:TPI (Truss Plate Institute)
很多上海一起涌向西部,掀起了去西部的淘金热:Many enterprises of Shanghai go on a "gold-rush" spree in the western parts of China
黑车:illegal vehicle
核心/非核心资产:core / non-core assets
和平利用原子能委员会:Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes (CUAEPP)
和平利用原子能国际会议咨询委员会:Advisory Committee of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
和平利用外层空间委员会:Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
和平解决台湾问题符合包括台湾同胞在内的全体中国人民的根本利益。:A peaceful solution to the Taiwan question serves the interests of all Chinese people,including our compatriots in Taiwan
和平"路线图"计划:the "roadmap" peace plan
合资银行:joint venture banks
合同医院:contract clinic
合建楼宇:joint venture building
合并性质的组织:hybrid organization
耗用物品综合发放单(小)(通用表格第283号):Non-Inventory Stores Consolidated Issue Voucher (Small)[GF 283]
耗用物品综合发放单(大)(通用表格第283A号):Non-Inventory Stores Consolidated Issue Voucher (Large)[GF 283A]
耗用物品:non-inventory item
耗用物料分类帐页(通用表格第291号):Non-Inventory Stores Ledger Sheet[GF 291]
号脉:feel the pulse