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煤矿瓦斯:coal mine gas
酶法浸出:enzymatic aqueous extraction
木材树种:wood species
面金属量:areal productivity
毛羽直径:fibers diameter
毛纱截面:cross section
模具加工:mold machining
免烧陶粒:non-sintered ceramsite
酶的钝化:а-amylase inactivation
磨粒加工:abrasive machining
锚网支护:bolt support
脉冲振动:pulse vibration
毛料展开:blank design
毛巾织物:towel cloth
模态识别:mode identification
酶反应器:enzymatic reactor
麻叶荨麻:Urtica cannabina L
模塑餐盒:molding dining boxes
酶的筛选:screening for enzymes
酶的应用:application of enzymes
酶法改性:enzyme modification
酶解体系:enzymatic hydrolysis system
模拟蒸馏:Simulated distillation
摩擦时间:friction time
酶氧化法:enzymic oxidation process
门禁系统:entrance guard system
灭火救援:fire-fighting and rescue
膜堆电流:applied current
锚喷支护:shotcrete support
模糊抢判:fuzzy evaluation
蜜胺树脂:melamine-formaldehyde resin
木材密度:wood density
面形误差:form accuracy
马铃薯泥:potato puree
目标政策:goal and policy
镁还原法:magnesium reduction process
马达外壳:Support lid
摩阻材料:friction material
煤矿集团:coal mine group
煤与焦炭:coal and coke
磨损机理:friction and wear mechanism
母合金锭:master ingot
脉冲电晕:pulse corona
冒口补缩:emits to repair
木工刀具:woodworking tool
模式调节:mode tuning
页码:97261262263264265266 2672682692702712722732742752762772782792808: