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膜过滤性:membrane filterability
膜丝长度:membrane fiber length
美食文化:seafood culture
模拟溶液:simulated solution
毛细滴管:capillary burette
磨料粒度:abrasive size
模具制造:mold manufacturing
磨削机床:Grinding machine
膜污染度:fouling degree of membrane
煤炭行业:coal industry
煤矿关闭:Coal mine closure
煤矿粉尘:coal mine dust
磨矿条件:grinding condition
模仿创新:imitative innovation
木材色差:Wood chromatism
毛细效应:capillary effect
磨损失效:wear failure
末端治理:end treatment
木材改性:wood Modification
摩擦提升:friction hoist
模拟电路:analogue circuit
密度组成:density consist
酶催化法:lipase catalysis
模糊数学:fuzzy math
明胶微球:Gelatin microspheres
模具共用:sharing of die
膜式涂布:film coating
民族色彩:ethnological color
面团熟化:dough rest
酶解改性:enzymatic modification
猕猴桃汁:kiwi juice
煤质检测:coal property test
煤质特征:coal characters
美学特征:Aesthetic characteristic
脉冲频率:pulse frequency
模具加热:die heating
煤机产品:coal manufacture
脉冲电源:Pulse generator
酶促褐变:enzymatic browning
蜜柚果汁:juice of pomelo
牦牛血球:Yak blood
马来酰肼:maleic hydrazide
脉冲压力:Pulse pressure
模具流道:mold runner
酶法测定:enzymatic determination
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