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锚杆回收:anchor recovering
毛果冷杉:sub-alpine fir
木材指接:wood finger-joint
木结构材:structural laminated wood
名优绿茶:Famous quality green tea
模具调整:die adjustment
密度预估:density prediction
灭火工艺:extinguish technology
模板技术:template technology
煤炭回收:coal recovery
煤矿城市:coal mining city
煤矿人员:coal mining employee
煤矿开发:coal exploitation
面团特性:dough properties
模式研究:Mode Research
冒落矸石:caved gangue
煤浆浓度:coal-water-slurry's concentration
磨削参数:grinding parameter
模具工件:Die Part
磨削原理:Grinding Theory
煤炭矿难:coal mine disaster
米饭品质:rice quality
玫瑰花渣:rose dregs
酶膜活力:activity of membrane enzyme
蜜枣加工:processing candied jujube
蚂蚁蛋白:ant protein
酶解工艺:enzymolysis technology
免疫活性:immune activity
木材蠕变:creep in wood
密封机构:sealing mechanism
闷井时间:closed time
煤炭地勘:coal geology and prospecting
面包品质:bread quality
母液蒸发:evaporation of spent liquor
钼兰比色:Molybdenum blue colorimetry
末端炔烃:terminal alkyne
面板协整:panel cointegration
煤炭库存:coal inventory
模型模拟:Model simulation
模型精度:model accuracy
脉动剪切:dynamic shear
民勤绿洲:Minqin Oasis
模态测试:modal testing
帽型试样:hat-shaped specimen
密闭巷道:closed roadway
麻类植物:bast fiber plants
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271 2722732742752762772782792808: