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煤炭成本:coal cost
锚杆失效:anchor support failure
煤矸块度:coal-gangue fragmental size
模板聚合:template polymerization
毛细作用:Capillary action
煤渣吸附:Cinder adsorption
民族特色:ethnic characteristics
泌乳月份:Lactation Month
模型正演:forward model
煤饼成型:briquette molding
民用燃煤:residential coal
芒草群落:Miscanthus sinensis
煤层露头:coal seam outcrop
面积调节:area adjusting
莫深1井:Well Moshen-1
锚链推杆:Anchor push-rod
目标规模:target scale
模内贴标:IML (In-mold Labeling)
膜分离器:membrane separator
磨损试验:wear test
煤泥浮选:coal slime flotation
麻辣风味:Flavor of hot
毛酸浆果:Physalis pubescens L
牦牛奶粉:Yak milk powder
煤和矸石:coal and gangue
脉冲滤池:pulse filter
米曲霉菌:Aspergillus oryzae
锚固钉焊:anchor nail welding
煤炭燃烧:coal combustion
穆龙套型:Muruntau type
密度漂移:density translation
盲孔花键:blind multiple keys
模压压力:molding pressure
模内复膜:in-mold labeling
明式座椅:Ming style chairs
民间素材:Folk source
模压浸渗:moulding pressure infiltration
模型体系:model system
模具分析:mold analysis
米乳饮料:rice milk
木材科学:wood science
煤矸石粉:coal gangue powder
麻辣鸭脖:numbed and hot duck neck
麻疹病毒:measles virus
煤气损失:gas loss
煤层孔隙:pores and cracks in coal seam
摩擦吸附:friction clamping
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277 2782792808: