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目标提取:object extraction
摩擦压降:frictional pressure drop
毛巾织机:towel loom
煤矸分离:coal-gangue separation
煤粒粒径:grain diameter of coal
马铃薯饼:potato cake
密度范函:density functional theory
毛坯软化:blank softening
面积计算:area computation
面污染源:site pollution source
灭活污泥:inactivated sludge
模流分析:mold flow analysis
门头沟区:Mentougou District
面漆起泡:bubble on the surface paint
煤层燃烧:coal bed combustion
模具脱空:die void
埋藏历史:burial history
莫氏曲线:Moshi curve
模态振型:modal shape
磨床夹具:grinder fixtures
面面接触:plane-plane contact
煤泥界面:coal slime interface
模型辨识:Model Identification
磨具选择:choice for abrasive tools
幔源还原:mantle origin
麦草水解:wheat straw hydrolysis
木材细胞:wood cell
密度测量:density measurement
脉冲电位:potential pulse method
煤矿水害:mine water disaster
美式型材:american section
磨前滚刀:pre-grinding hob
模态特性:modal characteristic
闽江河口:Minjiang estuary
麦芽根酶:malt rootlets enzyme
芒果落果:premature-drop mango
锰砂填料:manganese sand media
煤炭主业:Coal principal work
模拟灌装:analogous filling
米制螺纹:Metric thread
摩擦剪切:friction strain
煤矿用阀:coal mine valve
煤基甲醇:coal-based methanol
密相输送:dense-phase pneumatic conveying
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272 2732742752762772782792808: