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目标企业:target enterprise
膜过滤法:membrane filtration
马克隆值:micronaire value
毛纺织物:wool fabric
麦胚蛋白:wheat germ protein
目视比色:visual colorimetry
棉仁蛋白:cottonseed protein
酶促自溶:enzymatic hydrolysis
酶法加工:enzymatic processing
苜蓿酸奶:Medicago sativa yogurt
美化环境:making beautiful environment
模拟网格:simulation lattice
脉状矿体:vein body
美术涂料:artistic coatings
棉结控制:cotton knot controlling
模型合成:model integration
民丰洼陷:Minfeng sag
幕式充注:episodic charging
脉动输油:pulse oil transportation
磨浮过程:process of mining and dressing
模板组装:template assembly
木工构件:wood work components
酶-碱法:enzyme-alkali method
敏感指标:sensitive index
牡丹江市:Mudanjiang city
摩擦制动:friction braking
脉冲强度:pulse intensity
米酒酵母:rice wine yeast
煤库篦子:Perforated strainer of coalhole
镁硅合金:Mg-Si alloys
慢度曲线:slowness curve
毛丛强度:staple strength
煤炭样品:coal sample
埋炭烧成:Carbon embeded firing
模型优化:Model optimization
模腔数量:cavity quantity
面饰工艺:technique of surface decoration
密闭环境:Hermetic environment
磨齿调整:grinder machine setting
煤层强度:strength of coal seam
酶法接枝:Enzymatic grafting
磨削效率:grinding efficiency
密封失效:seal failure
煤机零件:parts of mining machinery
煤矿矿山:coal mine
煤与瓦斯:Coal and gas
木材防腐:wood preservation
木工机床:woodworking machine tool
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270 2712722732742752762772782792808: