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摩擦焊机:friction welder
煤泥润滑:slime lubrication
木本油料:woody oil-bearing plant
镁电解槽:magnesium reduction cell
模拟废水:simulant wastewater
民用房屋:civil building
免疫机制:immunity mechanism
木材构造:wood structure
煤炭供应:coal supply
目标优化:target optimization
钼酸母液:molybdenum-leaching solution
密度分选:density separation
摩擦驱动:Friction Drive
煤气脱硫:coal gas desulfurization
木材原料:wood material
棉结原因:Causes of cotton kinks
煤矿巷道:Coal mine tunnel
面团品质:dough quality
镁基合金:Mg-based alloy
木材效益:wood benefit
米氏散射:Mie scattering
锰氢化物:Mn oxide
煤的燃烧:coal combustion
煤田预查:coalfield pre-prospecting
模型比较:comparison of models
镁热还原:magnesiothermic reduction
门楼水库:Menlou Reservoir
脉冲加热:Pulse heating
母线绝缘:bus bar insulation
模具行业:mould industry
摩擦感度:Friction sensitivity
脉冲响应:impulse response
模拟技术:simulation technology
贸易摩擦:trade friction
密封结果:sealing structure
焖炉时间:soaking time
脉动干燥:plused airflow
磨阻材料:Friction material
磨粒间距:Inter-grain spacing
煤田火灾:coalfield fire
脉冲增量:Pulse Increment
冒放规律:coal caving law
名义应力:nominal stress
煤矿综采:mine fully mechanized longwall coal mining
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 2762772782792808: