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镁钙炉衬:Magnesia-Calcia Lining
锰铜合金:Mn-Cu alloy
模块环境:modular environment
民事索赔:civil claim
木器涂料:wood coatings
模极大值:Module maximum
摩擦电选:friction electric separation
磨齿工艺:Gear grinding technology
木质素类:lignosulfonate MG
模型传递:Model transfer
牡蛎壳粉:oyster shell powder
美学价值:esthetics value
钼粉生产:Mo powder production
毛圈织物:terry cloth
牦牛骨泥:yak bone paste
磨粒磨损:abrasive wear
麻类纤维:bast fiber
木本植物:woody plants
钼单晶体:Monocrystal molybdenum
木材纤维:Wood fiber
煤炭运销:coal transport and marketing
米糠蛋白:rice bran protein
美国红鱼:Sciaenops ocellatus
模拟药物:model drug
模型简化:model simplification
钼金矿化:Mo-Au mineralization
馒头品质:Steamed bread quality
煤层自燃:coal seam spontaneous combustion
煤和瓦斯:coal and gas
棉纺设备:cotton spinning frame
毛坯展平:blank development
密封装置:Sealing device
脉冲电场:pulsed electric field
模糊权值:fuzzy weighting
模糊识别:fuzzy diagnosis
模糊优化:fuzzy optimum
煤炭物流:coal logistics
磨料粒径:abrasive size
模糊矩阵:fuzzy matrix
模具成本:mold cost
毛坯尺寸:blank size
面积相等:area equation
煤水分离:coal and water separate
面内煤柱:coal pillar at working face
煤巷掘进:heading excavation
页码:97261 2622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792808: