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二级程序:secondary program
二维翼型:two-dimension airfoil
二本原则:two noumenon principle
二阶近似:second order approximation
二传技术:setting technique
二重开放:dual openness
儿童证人:child witness
儿童舞蹈:Children Dance
俄语广告:Russian advertisement
二语思维:L2 thinking
儿童公育:Childrem's public edncation
二次经验:secondary experience
恩宠信仰:belief in Grace
遏制腐败:Restraining corruption
二宫文化:the culture of The Second Workers Cultural Fellowship
二次售卖:two-time selling
二级控制:secondary control
儿童文化:children culture
恶意取款:Spiteful Withdrawal
二外英语:the Second Foreign Language
峨嵋武术:Emei Wushu
儿童绘画:children's painting
儿童涂鸦:children's doodling
二战前后:around the World War II
恶俗之争:Dispute of Vulgarity
二重论据:double arguments
恶意抢注:cyber piracy
二元和谐:harmony in duality
二元教育:dual education
二十而立:to have planted one's feet upon the ground at twenty
儿童福利:child welfare
二元维度:dualistic dimensionality
俄源义项:Russian-derived sense
遏制政策:containment policy
二而一”:two but one"
二次革命:The Second Revolution
二次反弹:Two boundings
二语语块:L2 chunks
二方连续:two sides continual
二语水平:L2 proficiency
二胡教学:erhu teaching
贰师泉赋:ode to Ershiquan
二刘大战:battle between two Lius
二元对待:the "multiple
鄂西土家:Tujia nationality on the western Hubei
页码:9781828384858687888990919293949596979899 1008: