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二次侵染:secondary infection
垩白米率:unchalky rice rate
二次刈割:Two cuttings
二型子叶:dimorphic cotyledon
额度分配:Quota distribution
二棱大麦:tworow barley
饵料鱼类:Forage fishes
二域模型:two-domain model
二次覆土:Covering soil twice
鄂豆6号:E Dou No 6
耳石重量:Otolith weight
二代虫源:insect source
饵料结构:food structure
垩白性状:Chalky characters
二甲酸钾:potassium diformate
二代家系:Family of the second_generation
二元分类:dual classification
二元混用:Binary mixture
饵用海藻:marine feed algae
二级抗体:Secondary antibody
恶疫霉菌:Phytophthora cactorum
二段干燥:Two stage drying
二年三作:two-year-three-crop system
二元图像:Binary image
二元杂交:binary crossing
二季晚稻:Double cropping late rice
二晚秧苗:Double cropping late rice seedling
鄂茄1号:Eqie No.1
二代林网:second generation forest-nets
鄂北大枣:bigfruit Jujube in north Hubei
鄂西山区:E Xi Mountain Area
二面楔子:Two-side wedge
饵料效率:feed conversion rate
饵料配方:diet prescription
二阶常数:quadratic constant
二等极型:Two equal polar type
二三栖类:amphibious and triphibious
饵料成本:food cost
垩白品质:Chalk quality
二苯胺法:diphenylamine methed
鄂豆六号:`Edou No.6 soybean
二环系法:seconed cycle method
二级沙滤:secondary sand-filter
二元循环:binary cycle
二维洪水:D flood
二阶补偿:second-order compensation
二元推导:binary derivation
页码:97818283 848586878889909192939495969798991008: