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二次阻断:Twice blockade
二次喷射:Secondary injection
二阶网络:second-order circuit
二次评判:Twice judgment
儿童汉语:Chinese for Children
耳廓识别:Ear recognition
恶意侵扰:malicious attack
二维生长:2-D mode growth
二分图核:Bipartite Graph Core
二维估计:two-dimensional estimation
厄朗公式:Erl formula
二次开路:Secendary open Circuit
二级环网:second-class loop
二级管理:secondary management
二硫键2:disulfide bonding
遏制途径:ways of keeping within limits
二元搜索:Binary Search
二元算法:Binary Array Algorithm
二维排样:nesting of 2-D parts in 2-D sheets
二层交换:Layer 2 Switch
二次自举:second bootloader
二次倍频:Second harmonic generation
二维测线:two-dimension surveying lines
二层架构:Two-tiered structure
二次埋管:secondary pipe-embedding
二次抹压:secondary trowelling
二次抽取:second decimation
二层调度:Two-level scheduling
二维链表:two-dimensional linked list
二期截流:Second-stage closure
二次机会:two-time chance
二进制表:binary table
二次训练:second training
二级冗余:Two-level Redundancy
二次通信:secondary communication
二维测向:2-D direction finding
二人博弈:two-player games
二八原则:20%~80% Principle
二维曲线:2D curve
二次分解:twice decomposition
遏制欠费:hold back bad payoff
二阶码书:Second codebook
二阶基调:Second-order signature
二流近似:The two stream approximation
二方共享:Two-party secret sharing
页码:9781828384858687 8889909192939495969798991008: