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人工蘑菇:man-made mushrooms
溶液浓缩:solution concentrate
溶解组成:sorption composition
热锻过程:hot forging
燃料扩散:fuel diffusion
热风弯管:hot blast goose neck
人造葡萄:Man-made grape
乳浊液法:emulsion method
溶剂化热:Enthalpies of solvation
溶剂粘度:Solvent viscosity
乳化渣油:creamed pitch
弱碱性水:Weak Alkalinity Water
溶剂刻蚀:solvent corrosion
让压弧板:Stilt arc plate support
润滑模式:lubrication model
溶解损失:dissolution loss
乳化溶胀:emusification swelling
热修补料:basic repair mixes
溶液成份:bath composition
人类疾病:human disease
溶解释放:Dissolution release
热致液品:Thermotropic liquid crystalline
热熔市场:Hot-Melt Markets
燃煤喷枪:coal-burner gun
熔盐溶液:Molten salt soultion
热轧开裂:hot-rolling crack
溶解热焓:solution enthalpies
热镀工艺:Heat plating technolog
肉的成熟:Meat Aging
入口锥角:entry cone angle
热酒精法:Ethanol heat-treated method
燃料喷吹:fuel injection
熔体粘性:melt viscosity
热液混合:Mixing of the hydrothermal solution
染色损伤:dyeing damage
热湿条件:heat and water treatment
溶浸采矿:Solution mining
燃料供应:fuel supply
熔盐电导:Molten salt conductance
人的发展:human development
软性涂料:soft coating
熔融因数:fusion factor
软水冷却:soft water cooling
溶解采矿:Solution mining
任意剖面:any cut plane
溶解原理:solvent principle
染料交换:dye exchange
页码:97221222223224225226227228 2292302312322332342352362372382392408: