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妊娠晚期:Late pregnancy
容量治疗:Volume treatment
弱B抗原:weak B antigen
人体标本:human body specimen
润肠通便:smoothing intestine and relieving constipation
融合时间:fusion time
乳糜指数:Lipemic index
肉芽肿病:Granulomatous disease
人早期胚:Early human embryo
融合显像:Fusion imaging
人工腱膜:artificial fasciae
溶藻物质:algicidal substances
弱视原因:causes of children's amblyopia
融合疫苗:Fusion vaccine
人胰岛素:Human insulin
荣骨颗粒:Ronggu Granule
乳膏基质:Cream base
融合规则:fusion rules
肉桂酰胺:cinnamic amide
人类婴儿:human infants
热靶向性:thermal targeting property
热强试验:high temperature test of material strength
人工胸水:artificial pleural effusion
热温度场:thermal field
认知技能:cognitive skill
乳康颗粒:Rukang granules
软肝胶囊:Ruangan capsule
人造肛门:artificial anus
软骨创伤:impacting injury
妊娠减少:pregnancy reduction
软件质量:software quality
热电薄膜:thermoelectric thin film
溶媒相变:solution medium phase transformation
软腭植入:palatal implant
容量状态:Volume Status
入院时间:be admission time
软骨生长:growth of cartilage
溶血当量:hemolysis equivalent
人机同步:patient-ventilator synchrony
乳房再造:Breast reconstruction
认知状况:recognition condition
人体藏毒:Body-hidden Drugs
人口数据:Population data
软弱地基:soft ground
人生取向:sense of coherence
染色时间:staining time
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 2408: