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热液过程:hydrothermal processes
熔体拉伸:melt drawing
弱化机制:weakening mechanism
熔池参数:bath parameters
弱酸浸出:weak-acid leaching
熔池温度:bath temperature
热能节约:Heat Energy Saving
热释电谱:Thermally stimulated current spectroscopy
溶液状态:Solution state
熔断温度:fusing-off temperature
燃烧火焰:combustion flame
软件优化:Software optimization
熔附成型:reaction fusion adhesion
染料正穴:Dye positive holes
蠕变塑性:creep ductility
人工盐沼:manpower salt marsh
热解分离:heating equipment
热嵌固齿:Heat-pressing button
刃口硬度:edge hardness
热液改造:hydrothermal alteration
热固树脂:thermoset resin
柔性矿井:flexible mine
熔剂净化:flux refining
热相转移:thermal phase inversion
热耦精馏:thermally coupled distillation tower
溶剂种类:different solvents
溶解效应:dissolution effect
弱β性质:weak β-property
热裂机制:formation mechanism of hot tearing
软岩流变:rheological behaviours of soft rock
热洗方法:microcomputer control
乳液加脂:Fatliquor emulsion
软件调度:Software Dispatching
软件划分:Software Dividing
燃烧曲线:Burn-off curve
溶质贫化:solute-depleted region
溶剂分子:solvent molecule
热梯度法:Thermal-gradient process
热熔胶片:Hot-melt adhesive sheet
热缩制品:heat-shrinkable product
热水环流:Hydrothermal circulation
热压碱浸:hot press and alkali-leaching
弱还原焰:weak reducing flame
页码:97221222223224225226 2272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: