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柔性装置:flexible device
蠕变压屈:creep buckling
人因分析:human factors analysis
热平直度:hot flatness
熔体穿透:Melt penetration
熔体振动:Melt oscillation
热蒸发烃:Thermoevaporate Hydrocarbon
日常分析:Routine analysis
软弱岩石:soft rocks
软岩蠕变:creep of soft rock
燃烧界限:inflammability limit
溶剂革取:solvent extraction
热聚合法:thermo polymerization method
熔体特性:initial materials
人体胎盘:human placenta
人为弃土:dumped soil
任意界面:any interface
人工钝化:artificial passivation
热解汽油:pyrolysis gasoline
热重技术:TG technique
人员管理:Personnel Management
热敏版材:thermal plate
溶剂化数:solvation number
人工造壁:artificial borehole wall
软件接口:software interface
软岩性质:properties of soft rock
热扎工艺:Hot-rolling process
溶胀倍率:swelling ratio
柔轮强度:Flexspline strength
人工神经:artificial neurons
乳浊液膜:emulsium liquid membrane
日本蟹壳:shell of Charybdis japonica
熔体调整:melt condition
燃烧计算:combustion calculation
弱持续性:Weak sustainable Development
入炉焦比:coke ratios
熔融体系:molten system
燃料系统:fuel system
软水补水:additional soft wa ter
熔融织构:Melt texture growth
熔体降耗:melt consumption decrease
热磨工艺:Defibrating technology
染色速率:dyeing rate
弱结合面:weak interface
熔炼分离:separation by smelting
热水活动:hydrothermal activity
页码:97221 2222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: