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溶剂作用:solvent effect
软阔叶材:Deciduous trees
热声转换:Sonic heat changing
软件加密:Software Encryption
热压炭砖:heat pressure charcoal brick
人血细胞:human blood cell
融积成型:Fused Deposition Modeling
人的生产:production of human beings
染化废水:dye producing wastewater
人工饲料:artificial diet
熔炼烧损:smelting of the burning-loss
熔体物性:physical properties of melt
弱磁性能:weak magnetic property
燃油锌锅:oil burning spelter pot
软岩帮坡:soft rook side slope
热返矿槽:hot return sinter bin
熔深检测:penetrating detection
热收缩性:thermal contractibility
热酸处理:hot acidizing
热纤梭菌:clostridium thermocellum
绕线电阻:resistance winding
溶解吸收:solution absorption
刃口间隙:blade clearance
刃口形状:blade shape
热时效法:Heat aging facture
人地协同:the human-earth synergism
热液沸腾:hydrothermal boiling
人工点柱:Artifical pillar
软接技术:soft connection technology
热敏记录:heating-sensitive recoyding
柔性冲模:Flexible Dies
燃烧设置:combustion facilities
入料水分:the moisture of a feed coal
任意齿形:Arbitary Profile
人工孔洞:artificial void
熔铸方法:Melting and Casting Method
热蚀刻法:hot etch technique
润湿分率:wetting efficiency
热管试验:heat tube test
燃料品质:fuel qualities
热力学量:thermodynamic quantity
入炉质量:charge quality
热压磁体:Hot Pressed Magnet
溶解试剂:dissolution reagent
热岛成因:hot island cause
页码:97221222223 2242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: