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热媒换热:heat translation by medium
蠕行运动:wriggle movement
容量模型:capacity model
热电特性:thermoelectric property
蠕移灾害:creep hazard
刃口边缘:The edge of the knife
热湿性能:heat and moisture properties
溶解样品:Dissolution of sample
燃煤废气:coal combustion exhaust
燃烧科学:combustion cience
热自散焦:Thermal selfdefocusing
热磨处理:Thermal-mechanical treatment
热能工厂:Energy plant
乳甘油酯:milk glyceride
柔性构造:flexible construction
熔融物性:melting behavior
热矿泥粉:thermo-fango powder
热液沉积:Hydrothermal sediment
热盐暴露:hot salt exposure
热色特性:thermochromatic characteristic
热融水溶:thermomelting and aqueous dissolution
溶胶溶液:sol solution
熔融淬火:melting quench
热压分解:Heating Method
软件工具:software tools
热工工艺:heating regulation
熔体性质:properties of melt
乳化体积:Emulsifying volume
熔化性质:melting property
溶剂发酵:Solvent fermentation
热管温度:thermal channel temperature
热套容器:Shrunk On Vessel
容器接管:nozzle of vessels
热风造气:hot air gasification
瑞利分解:Rayleigh's Breakdown
热烧结矿:Hot sintering mineral
热障陶瓷:ceramic with heat resistance
乳品干燥:Dairy product drying
热解气氛:pyrolysis atmosphere
热稳定粉:thermal stability
燃气管理:civil gas management
韧性因子:toughness factor
热导色谱:thermoconductive chromatography
熔剂过滤:Flux Fitration
热敏染料:heat sensitive dyestuffs
页码:97221222223224 2252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: