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配套技术:matching technology
品质化学:Quality chemistry
品质形成:Quality formation
排气风量:capacity for wind
配位结构:coordination structure
铍铝合金:Be-Al alloy
片状镍粉:nickel flake powder
膨胀应力:swelling stress
漂白残液:bleach effluents
平顶山市:Pingdingshan city
铺层顺序:ply stacking sequence
片状粉体:flaky powder
平焰燃烧:flat-flame combustion
平焰烧嘴:flat flame burner
评估体系:evaluation system
配对分析:Matched-Pair Analysis
曝气混凝:aerated coagulation
频率响应:Frequency response
偏析因子:segregation factor
排量控制:displacement control
膨胀工具:expansion tool
平滑度仪:smoothness tester
品质因子:quality factor
平面形状:Plan view pattern
烹煮品质:cooking quality
屏蔽线路:shield circuit
棚架栽培:pergola system
配电网络:distribution network
盘状液晶:discotic liquid crystal
配体结构:structures of ligands
排辊成型:cage roll forming
碰撞案例:collision case
碰撞危险:collision danger
破坏准则:failure criterion
泡孔性能:Cellular Property
配料设计:design of clinker component
配置方案:allocation scheme
泡沫分离:foam separation
偏心结构:eccentric structure
膨胀套管:expandable casing
评判方法:judgment method
泡沫流体:foam fluid
平辊轧制:flat rolling
曝气过程:aeration process
硼酸铝钇:yttrium aluminum borate
碰撞能量:collision energy
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199 2008: