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曝气管:aerator pipe
曝气区:aeration zone
曝射率:exposure rate
平行隧道:parallel tunnels
谱线宽度:Spectral line width
喷射沉积:spray deposition
判识图版:identification chart
品牌价值:brand value
品牌联想:brand association
喷射成形:spray forming
平衡采油:balanced oil production
品牌战略:brand strategy
喷气织机:air-jet loom
排污效率:ventilation efficiency
破片初速:initial velocity
频散介质:dispersive medium
疲劳裂纹:fatigue crack
平面波法:plane wave expansion method
配辊方式:roller matching method
评价方法:evaluating method
排放清单:emission inventory
皮革皮具:Leather Products Industry
喷气燃料:jet fuel
配煤细度:the smashed degrees of the coal powder
培养目标:training goal
疲劳强度:fatigue strength
疲劳断裂:fatigue fracture
破坏模式:failure mode
排放系数:emission coefficient
铍铜管材:beryllium bronze tubing
配比准确:accurate mixing
平均偏差:average deviation
喷墨印花:jet printing
破煤顺序:broken coal order
普光气田:Puguang Gas Field
萍乡经济:Pingxiang's economy
评价指标:evaluation index
排放因子:emission factor
排水采气:drainage gas recovery
破坏机理:damage mechanism
膨化干燥:explosion puffing drying
品牌识别:brand identification
屏蔽效应:shielding effect
疲劳寿命:fatigue lifetime
页码:97181182183184185186187188189 1901911921931941951961971981992008: