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疲劳行为:fatigue behavior
蓬莱镇组:Penglaizhen Formation
排溢系统:exhaust system
破裂过程:fracturing process
屏蔽材料:shielding materials
频率特性:frequency characteristics
配料称量:burden weighing
苹果蠹蛾:Laspeyresia pomonella
批量实验:batch experiment
平面结构:plane structure
皮膜破坏:coating damage
喷雾干爆:spray drying
曝露试验:exposure test
平板成形:Flat forming
泡沫材料:foam materials
破裂压强:bursting pressure
破坏载荷:failure load
旁流处理:side-stream treatment
平庄盆地:Pingzhuang basin
排聚系数:expulsion-accumulation coefficient
排放强度:emission intensity
啤酒生产:beer production
喷射导管:jetting technology
配套设备:matching equipment
平面拐弯:uniplanar bending
喷雾洒水:spray fog and sprinkle water
品评环境:evaluation environment
苹果梨酒:apple-pear fruit wine
啤酒工艺:beer technology
跑车事故:derailing accident
平衡分析:balance analysis
苹果浑汁:Cloudy apple juice
配制酱油:blended soy sauce
培曲条件:cultivated conditions
平均应变:mean strain
评价模式:evaluation model
濮城油田:PuCheng Oil field
配注工艺:injection allocation technology
喷沙除鳞:sand blast descaling
盆山耦合:basin-mountain coupling
坡折断层:slope break fault
喷吹熔剂:flux injection
培养方法:cultivation method
膨胀组分:expansion component
曝气设备:aeration equipment
漂液浓度:consistency of bleaching liquid
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198 1992008: