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配方研究:formulation research
培训效果:Training Effects
喷射印花:jet printing
硼氢化钾:potassium borohydride
配套机制:supporting mechanism
平行合成:Parallel synthesis
烹饪文化:cuisine culture
烹饪工艺:Cooking technology
配丝装置:Cut tobacco distributor
平辊立轧:V rolling
苹果原汁:Apple juice
偏铝酸钠:Sodium meta-aluminate
判断指标:assessment indicator system
评价内容:evaluation contents
配方优化:Formula optimization
膨化特性:expanded characteristics
平行机构:parallel mechanism
炮弹底座:base of cannonball
片烟纯度:purity of lamina
普通烤房:common barn
普及时间:Period of popularization
平面织构:planar texture
喷淋特性:spray characteristics
喷淋通量:spray flux
喷水模型:spraying water model
配位离子:complex ions
评定分析:evaluating analysis
平台钢管:Platform pipe
啤酒泡沫:beer foam
平行检偏:Parallel analyzer
平台模块:platform module
判别标准:discrimination standard
普通稠油:ordinary heavy oil
啤酒发酵:beer fermentation
曝晒试验:exposure test
破乳电压:demulsification voltage
片状组织:lamellar structure
评价标志:evaluation criteria
膨胀芯模:thermal expansion mould
铺设角度:ply stacking angle
漂白现象:bleaching phenomenon
破损陶瓷:breakage ceramics
培养方案:training scheme
排污监察:pollution supervision
平板闸阀:flat gate valve
泡沫独石:foam monolith
批量制备:batch process
泡孔结构:cellular structure
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 8: