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配位插层:coordination intercalation
漂洗脱膻:de-odoring with wash
泡沫玻璃:foamed glass
排气系统:exhaust system
葡北油田:Pubei oilfield
品质控制:quality control
膨胀石墨:expanded graphite
破岩机理:rock-breaking mechanism
曝气时间:aeration time
评价模型:appraisal model
评价结果:appraisal result
平板培养:plate culture
频谱成像:spectrum imaging
抛掷爆破:throwing blasting
评价单元:assessment unit
频响函数:frequency response function
碰撞检测:collision detection
品牌形象:brand image
苹果园地:Apple orchard
苹果籽油:apple seed oil
培养条件:cultural condition
啤酒大麦:beer barley
喷涂聚脲:spraying polyurea
平衡回路:balance loop
排污收费:pollution charge
判断区域:judging area
判断阈值:judging threshold
皮肤黑素:the black pigment of skin
皮革服装:leather clothing
平均振幅:average amplitude
疲劳断口:fatigue fracture
葡萄多糖:grape polysaccharide
偏硅酸钠:sodium metasilicate
评吸质量:smoking quality
品质改良:quality improvement
铺面设计:pavement design
平衡压力:equilibrium pressure
疲劳破坏:fatigue failure
品牌命名:brand naming
频谱分析:spectral analysis
平移断层:strike slip fault
平面操作:working on plane
片层球化:lamellar globularization
疲劳特性:fatigue property
漂白废水:bleaching effluent
排气噪声:Exhaust noise
排采制度:production system
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190 1911921931941951961971981992008: