泡壳模型:cell-shell model
疲劳磨损:fatigue wear
喷砂除鳞:Sand blasting descaling
喷动压降:spouted pressure drop
喷粉脱硫:Desulphurization by Powder Injection
评价准则:evaluation standard
偏振玻璃:polarizing glasses
批发市场:wholesale market
普通包装:common pack
破碎流程:crushing flowsheet
平衡因数:equilibrium factor
烹饪方法:cooking methods
劈裂爆破:splitting blast
跑偏开关:Running-away preventing switch
破碎地段:Area cracked
批量管理:batch management
排放趋势:discharge trend
偏心弯曲:eccentric bending
配置管理:configuration management
坡口设计:bevel design
品质预测:Quality predicting
配合压强:assembly pressure
平衡装置:balancing device
泡制工艺:Infusion technology
剖面特征:profile characteristics
皮肤温度:skin temperature
配煤系统:blending coal system
疲劳评估:fatigue assessment
平面曲线:plane curve
评定标准:assessment standard
硼铁粉末:FeB powder
破乳助剂:auxiliary demulsifying agent
喷淋泡沫:spraying foam
评价等级:evaluating grade
贫赤铁矿:Lean hematite
偏光镜片:Polarizing spectacle lenses
破碎运输:breaking and transportation
铍铜合金:beryllium copper alloy
平整表面:Even surface
频带能量:Frequency band energy
平衡参数:balance parameter
配合技巧:compounding technology
烹饪技能:culinary education
偏心力臂:Eccentric arm of force
排石颗粒:Paishi granules
抛落冲击:falling impact
疲劳磨损:fatigue wear
喷砂除鳞:Sand blasting descaling
喷动压降:spouted pressure drop
喷粉脱硫:Desulphurization by Powder Injection
评价准则:evaluation standard
偏振玻璃:polarizing glasses
批发市场:wholesale market
普通包装:common pack
破碎流程:crushing flowsheet
平衡因数:equilibrium factor
烹饪方法:cooking methods
劈裂爆破:splitting blast
跑偏开关:Running-away preventing switch
破碎地段:Area cracked
批量管理:batch management
排放趋势:discharge trend
偏心弯曲:eccentric bending
配置管理:configuration management
坡口设计:bevel design
品质预测:Quality predicting
配合压强:assembly pressure
平衡装置:balancing device
泡制工艺:Infusion technology
剖面特征:profile characteristics
皮肤温度:skin temperature
配煤系统:blending coal system
疲劳评估:fatigue assessment
平面曲线:plane curve
评定标准:assessment standard
硼铁粉末:FeB powder
破乳助剂:auxiliary demulsifying agent
喷淋泡沫:spraying foam
评价等级:evaluating grade
贫赤铁矿:Lean hematite
偏光镜片:Polarizing spectacle lenses
破碎运输:breaking and transportation
铍铜合金:beryllium copper alloy
平整表面:Even surface
频带能量:Frequency band energy
平衡参数:balance parameter
配合技巧:compounding technology
烹饪技能:culinary education
偏心力臂:Eccentric arm of force
排石颗粒:Paishi granules
抛落冲击:falling impact