国际公认:internationally recognized
国际纺织品服装局:International Textile and Clothing Bureau(ITCB)
国际法院:International Court of Justice
国际儿童节:International Children's Day(Children's Day) June .1
国际层次的系统:systems at the international level
国际霸权:international hegemony
国画系:Department of Tradition Chinese Painting
国合企业(即国有合作社):state-owned cooperatives
锅仔鱼籽:Stewed Fish Roe
锅仔鱼肚浸围虾:Stewed Fish Maw with Shrimps
锅仔药膳乌鸡:Stewed Black-Boned Chicken with Chinese Herbs
锅仔雪菜鲈鱼:Stewed Perch with Preserved Vegetable
锅仔木瓜浸鱼片:Braised Sliced Fish with Papaya
锅仔萝卜牛腩:Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish in Casserole
锅仔辣汁煮牛筋丸:Stewed Beef Balls with Chili Sauce in Casserole
锅仔鸡汤菌:Stewed Mushrooms in Chicken Soup
锅仔潮式凉瓜猪肚:Stewed Pork Tripe with Bitter Melon,Chaozhou Style
锅仔潮菜银鳕鱼:Stewed Codfish with Salted Vegetables,Chaozhou Style
锅烧肘子配饼:Deep-Fried Pig Knuckle Served with Pancake
锅粑鲍鱼:Abalone Sauce on Deep-Fried Rice Cake
锅巴海三鲜:Sizzling Assorted Seafood with Crispy Rice
滚地传球:rolling pass,ground pass
滚边器:binding apparatus;piping binder
桂竹笋肉丝:Sautéed Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoots
桂鱼(清蒸,油浸,松子炸):Mandarin Fish (Steamed,Fried,Fried with Pine Nuts)
桂鱼(干烧,清蒸,酸汤,椒盐):Mandarin Fish(Choices of : Dry-Braised with Chili Sauce,Steamed,Boiled in Sour-Soup,Fried with Spiced Salt)
桂林山水甲天下:Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere
桂花雪鱼羮:Codfish Soup with Osmanthus Sauce
桂花山药:Chinese Yam with Osmanthus Sauce
桂花糯米藕:sweet-scented osmanthus sticky rice lotus root
桂花酒酿圆子:Glutinous Rice Balls and Osmanthus in Fermented Rice Wine
桂花炒珍宝蟹:Sautéed Jumbo Crab with Osmanthus Sauce
桂花炒鱼翅:Sautéed Shark's Fin with Crab Meat and Bean Sprouts
桂花炒肉蟹:Sautéed Hard-Shell Crab with Osmanthus Sauce
桂花炒干贝:Sautéed Scallops with Osmanthus Sauce
贵州醇:Guizhou Chun
贵妇人咖啡:Dame Coffee
柜台板,回板:counter sample
皈依印:mudra of bestowing refuge
规模政治:politics of scale
规模经营优势:advantage of economies of scale
规范税制:standardize the tax system
规范破产:standardize bankruptcy procedures
规范理论:Norm theory
规范金融机构市场退出制度:improve the market exit mechanism for financial institutions