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扰动频谱:disturbing spectrum
扰流插板:disturbed inserted board
柔性集成:flexible integration
柔性供电:flexible power supply
入渗流量:seepage discharge
人工压缩:artificial compression
入射方向:incidence direction
任意负载:arbitrary load
人体精液:human semen
燃烧转化:burning conversion
软件评测:Software Evaluation and Testing
融雪性能:Thaw performance
柔性风管:flexible duct
热价方案:Solution of heating price
容量监控:capacity monitor
乳聚速度:Emulsion copolymerization rate of Bd-St
如何选择:How to choose
人工种群:artificial population
绕击跳闸:shielding failure flash-over
人员流程:staff flow
融雪洪水:snowmelt flood
柔性仿真:flexible simulation
人文形象:human visualize
入口管道:inlet pipeline
熔合概率:fusion probability
软件调试:Software Debugging
人脸分片:face segmentation
冗余变换:redundant transform
软腭重建:Soft palate remodeling
燃烧光强:Combustion light intensity wave
乳腺包块:Breast masses
容错路由:fault-tolerant routing
蠕变固结:creep consolidation
燃气供应:gas supply
扰动传递:disturbance propagation
任务分派:task allocation
人口信息:population information
软件评审:Software review
热弹耦合:thermoelastic coupling
任务重组:task replanning
软件查表:software checking book
燃气叉车:LPG fork lift truck
认知特性:cognitive characteristics
热力评估:thermal evaluation
人际意义:interpersonal meaning
容量加载:incremental assignment
软件再生:software rejuvenation
柔性建模:flexible modeling
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276 2772782792808: