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人工变量:artificial variable
扰动算法:perturbation method
人造目标:man-made object
热井水位:water level of heat well
热释原理:method of heat-releasing
燃料特点:Fuel characteristic
蠕动滑移:wiggly slippage
柔性系固:flexible securing
溶质通量:Solute flux
揉动理论:Roudong Theory
揉动技术:Roudong Technology
人才任用:talented person assigning
人化管理:Humanist management
燃气比率:equivalence ratio
热薄燃料:thin solid fuel
柔性编码:Flexible coding
容器空间:Container Space
人物群像:group figures
人格教育:personality education
燃料选用:fuel selection
人的建筑:human's architecture
软岩控制:soft rock control
人工井桩:man-bored cast-in place pile
融资咨询:financial consult
人体震动:body shake
扰动估计:perturbation estimation
人口规划:Population planning
溶气效率:efficiency of gas solution
融冰能力:ice-thaw capability
人工股市:artificial stock market
容量补偿:capacity compensation
燃料优化:fuel distribution optimization
热气除霜:hot gas defrosting
蠕虫检测:worm detection
弱化效应:weakening effect
刃口反力:cutting edge reaction
熔积速率:Scanning Rate
燃气流量:gas flow rate
容量配合:capacity matching
容器水景:Container water garden
弱柱强梁:strong beam with weak column
软件建模:software modeling
软件安全:software security
容量测试:capacity testing
容性控制:Capacitive Control
软件转换:software switching
容量利用:capacity utilization
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271 2722732742752762772782792808: