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乳液缩聚:Emulsion condensation polymerization
人工开挖:manual excavation
燃料成分:Fuel component
燃气设施:gas facility
溶样完全:complete dissolution
燃油汽车:oil-fueled automotive
蠕变材料:creeping material
入渗水头:infiltration heads
软件构件:software component
溶洞灌浆:karst cave grouting
人工铺轨:manually laying track
软件资源:software resources
扰动蠕变:disturbing creep
容性设备:capacitive equipment
热泵空调:heat pump air-condition
人工键槽:Artificial concrete keyway
软岩材料:soft rock material
热膜探头:hot-film probe
热膜测量:hot-film measurement
扰动消除:disturbance canceling
柔性防水:flexible waterproof
瑞利振动:Rayleigh vibration
人体保洁:per-sonal cleaning
热点处理:hotspot treatment
软阈值法:thresholding algorithm
热力试验:thermal test
柔性轮缘:flexible rim
蠕虫建模:worm modeling
燃油测量:fuel measurement
入口凹陷:Inlet dimple
热功联产:combined thermal equivalent
柔性关断:soft shut
热阻热容:thermal resistance and thermal capacitance
入射狭缝:Entrance Slit
肉类结构:Composition of Meat Production
人员目标:personnel targets
人体体液:Human body fluid
燃烧监视:combustion supervision
人流比率:flow ratio
燃烧脉动:combustion pulsation
燃烧振荡:combustion oscillation
溶液再生:liquid regeneration
柔性道路:Flexible pavement
仁人君子:benevolent gentleman
入渗能力:infiltration capacity
软回填层:crushable backpacking
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279 2808: