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热电负荷:heat and power load
容性负载:capacitive load
软件小组:software team
燃料液滴:Fuel droplet
扰动演化:the evolution of disturbances
容差分析:tolerance analysis
热害影响:heat hazard influence
人伦关系:human relations
燃尽特性:burnout characteristics
人性资产:humanic assets
人防荷载:load of civil defense
人口构成:population composition
容许范围:allowed scope
人民公园:people's Park
软件校准:software calibration
燃料试验:fuel test
熔融拉锥:fused biconical taper
日产水量:water yield per day
人为事物:artificial thing
融合跟踪:fusion tracking
融资空间:space of financing
溶胶疑胶:sol-gel technique
冗余通讯:redundancy communication
容差上限:upper tolerance limit
润湿高度:wetting height
人工盐雾:artificial saline fog
熔融稀土:molten rare earth
融资策划:financing program
软模工艺:thermal expansion moulding process
热工仪表:thermal instrument
燃烧环境:combustion condition
容量漂移:capacitance variability
容量保留:capacity retention
柔性限位:flexible restrict
柔性规划:flexible planning
软岩路基:soft rock subgrade
人口目标:population objective
柔性堤岸:soft banks
软操控制:software operating system
人工土堤:artificial mound
认识主题:Technology Cognition Topic
柔性天线:flexible antenna
柔性飞机:flexible airplane
蠕滑变形:creeping deformation
热出气率:thermal-outgassing rate
柔性搭板:flexible approach slab
热弹性场:thermo-elastic field
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 2762772782792808: