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融合教学:amalgamation of teaching
蠕滑边坡:creep slope
认知访谈:cognitive interview
弱面注浆:grouting in weak planes
瑞利准则:Rayleigh criterion
软体元件:soft-matter element
刃角模板:Bezel templet
融熔沉积:Fused deposition modelling
容感耦合:capacitance-inductance coupling
入黄水量:water volume flowing into the Yellow River
扰动试验:disturbance test
润滑摩擦:lubrication and friction
软岩处理:treatment of soft foundation
柔性触觉:softness haptic perception
人工地标:artificial landmark
入土深度:embedded depth
软土岸坡:soft soil bank
软件评估:software evaluation
冗余模块:redudant module
热浮升力:thermal buoyancy effect
溶液管理:solution management
热炉放水:hot state draining
热伸长量:thermal expansion length
软件老化:software aging
入侵阻止:intrusion prevention
人工换碴:artificial change ballast
人文之美:The beauty of humanities
燃烧测试:flammability test
人机特征:human-machine feature
融冰优先:storage-priority control
日前计划:daily scheduling
软件移植:software transplant
人本体验:human experience
燃气灶具:gas cooker
人工水雾:Artificial water fog
认证加密:authenticated encryption
融合图像:image fusion
溶氧超标:dissolved oxygen
人员需求:operators demand
容量修正:cubage correction
人工补给:artificial recharge
任务推演:Mission rehearsal
热电比拟:assimilate heat and electricity
热污染源:thermal pollution
燃烧扰动:combustion disturbance
容量充裕:capacity adequacy
任务匹配:Task matching
融资能力:financing capacity
页码:97261262263264265266267268269 2702712722732742752762772782792808: