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人机耦合:human-machine coupling
柔顺抓取:complaisant grasping
日变特征:daily variation characteristics
人工成孔:artificial borehole
柔性植物:flexible vegetation
柔性转子:flexible rotor
容器原理:vessel principle
乳白玻璃:opal glass
日含沙量:daily sediment concentration
软件保护:software protection
人员测评:staff evaluation
弱膨胀土:weak expansive soil
融入高校:adopt them to our college environment
人防工事:civil defense work
人体跟踪:human tracking
热辐射场:Thermal radiation field
燃油机组:fuel turbine generators
人为辐射:man-made radiation
燃烧改造:combustion retrofit
燃烧测量:combustion measurement
润滑分析:lubrication analysis
熔窑助燃:furnace combustion support
人口模型:population model
人工配矿:artificial blending rock
扰动功率:disturbance power
扰动能量:disturbance energy
热流计法:heat flow meter
热水能耗:energy consumption of hot water
入口烟道:inlet duct
热声效应:thermoacoutic effect
日前交易:day-ahead trading
热带园林:Tropical Landscape Architecture
燃料喷射:fuel injection
热弹变形:thermo-elastic deformation
绕组固定:winding fixture
热溶胀性:thermal swelling
容气空间:Permitted gas space
热力壅塞:thermal choke
燃烧组织:combustion organization
热载体炉:heat-transfer material heater
扰动理论:perturbation theory
肉体毁灭:destrction of flesh
揉搓作用:kneading action
冗余函数:redundant function
热塑组合:Thermoplastic composites
柔性长鳍:flexible fin
任务效能:mission effectiveness
燃煤管理:coal management
页码:97261 2622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792808: