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潘谢矿区:Panxie mining area
骈联结构:double bond
烹调黄酒:rice wine
平面弹性:plane elasticity
排除滑坡:removal of landslide
平面构象:plane conformation
排液装置:draining device
偏心距e:Eccentric distance e
排污趋势:future waste drainage tendency
疲劳容器:fatigued container
烹饪属性:cooking attribute
平头铣刀:flat-end cutter
平稳变速:steady speed change
盘活资产:stimulating assets
排氡通风:exhaust radon ventilation
漂流模型:drift flow model
配套性能:matching capability
啤酒灌装:beer package
硼酸锶钡:barium strontium borate
品级鉴定:grade identification
喷油器体:fuel injector bodies
膨胀心头:expansion body
喷涂方式:spraying method
喷油改性:Oil treatment
破断方式:rupture pattern
偏轴接头:offset-axes sub
评审技巧:Assessment technique
排洪排涝:flood control and waterlogged fields
炮射导弹:gun-boosted missile
濮阳油田:Puyang Oilfield
平行算法:parallel arithmetic
皮革资源:leather resources
漂浮栽培:floating culture
配渣模型:slag calculation model
喷雾脱油:Microcrystalline wax
屏障注水:shelter water injection
铺展行为:spreading behavior
烹饪科学:culinary science
棚下暴露:exposure test
配额交易:quota trade
偏氟乙烯:Vinylidene Fluoride
平衡高度:balance height
膨化猪皮:expanded porous pigskin
评估分析:Evaluation and analysis
喷淋点数:spraying point number
偏心误差:eccentric error
排代材料:displacement materials
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230 2312322332342352362372382392408: