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破裂应力:rupture stress
烹调时间:cooking length of time
烹调温度:cooking temperature
烹调程度:cooking degree
平行偏差:the parallel deviation
膨胀半径:expansible radius
喷房溢粉:powder overflowing
评估指标:assessment index
彭宁放电:Penning discharge
普通退火:conventional annealing
喷漆废水:spray paint waste water
泡出速率:speed of infusion
配位规律:coordination laws
破断拉力:broken pulling force
配电开关:distribution switch
啤酒市场:beer market
平面剪切:in-plane shear
喷雾乳液:sprayable emulsion
喷涂压力:spray pressure
喷涂轨迹:spraying profile
配色模纹:Color Effect
排包方式:Arrangement Bale Manner
濮城地区:Pucheng Area
配套优化:optimization of assembly
配煤生产:coal blending production
苹果品种:apple variety
排土方法:Drainage rock method
排土参数:Drainage rock paremeter
片状食品:sliced food
品质效应:quality effect
皮鞋机械:Leather mechanism
漂白竹浆:bleached bamboo pulp
评价基准:evaluation benchmark
排放法规:emission regulation
频谱重心:barycenter of frequency spectrum
品位下滑:gold grade
烹调工艺:cooking craft
喷口距离:Distance of jet openings
喷雾强度:Spray intensity
破乳化性:demulsifying characteristics
平衡浇注:balance feeding
排采历史:recovery history
平衡开发:equilibrium development
抛物方程:parabolic equation
排水软管:drainage hose
平衡膳食:balanced diet
排烃强度:hydrocarbon expelling intensity
配基含量:ligand content
配置方法:arrangement method
泡塑样品:foam sample
页码:97221222223224225226227228229 2302312322332342352362372382392408: