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皮考林酸:picoloy acid
碰压系统:bumping system
坯布温度:the temperature of the textile fabric
盘区巷道:panel entries
排屑干涉:chip-ejection interference
培训体系:training system
烹煮性能:cooking performance
片帮防治:preventive treatment
葡萄子油:grape seed oil
喷射制网:jet engraving
排放预测:emission prediction
平台优化:pad optimization
配套部机:Corollary component
皮革商贸:leather trade
盘式蝇香:The brand insecticide
平衡活性:balance activity
批量聚合:batch copolymerization
频率曲线:frequency curve
屏蔽封堵:shielding plugging
喷流传热:airjetting heat transfer
皮革产业:leather industry
频率分离:frequency separation
喷枪顶吹:Top-submerged lance
平衡生长:Balanced growth
频率谱图:vibrating frequency spectrum
刨花改性:particle modification
平幅处理:open width treatment
平面手性:planar chirality
普通织机:ordinary loom
评价函数:merit function
平均力势:Potential of mean force
跑道材料:track material
配水负荷:wastewater load
喷不锈钢:storage tank
跑偏故障:off tracking fault
坯料尺寸:blank size
膨胀螺母:expanding nut
配煤结构:composition of coal blends
硼酸铝钾:potassium aluminum borate
苹果酒醋:apple cider vinegar
苹果果粒:apple granule
啤酒老化:beer staling
平菇多糖:Pleutotus ostreatus polysaccharides
品牌资产:brand asset
页码:97221222 2232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: