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评价水质:assessment of water quality
屏蔽作用:barrier effect
贫化机理:slag cleaning mechanism
赔偿归责:responsibilityimputing of compensation
配料周期:period ot batching
泡沫模样:foam pattern
喷水织物:water-spraying fabric
喷射搅拌:jet agitation
普查找矿:exploration and prospecting
平面研抛:plane polishing
葡萄糖浆:glucose syrup
匹配算法:matching algorithm
平面凸轮:planar cam
平面拉伸:displacement field
喷嘴压力:nozzle pressure
破裂期次:generation of fractures
配方技术:formulation technology
排烃模型:hydrocarbon expulsion model
镨化合物:praseodymium compound
膨胀驱油:expansion oil displacement
谱图归属:signals assigned
偏差系数:Deviation factor
破产企业:bankrupt enterprise
碰撞构造:collisional structure
坯体制备:blank fabrication
抛光废渣:polished slag
配点解法:collocation method
喷涂装置:spray device
平面锥度:plane taper
评井选层:choosing well and evaluating strata
频谱混叠:frequency aliasing
喷雾沉积:spray deposition
偏移剖面:migration section
评价系数:Evaluation Coefficient
啤酒菌种:beer microbial species
屏蔽炸药:shield explosive
谱线加宽:Broadening of spectral lines
平硐开拓:adit devebopment
破乳絮凝:De-emulsification flocculent
排绳装置:aligning steel rope device
疲劳累积:accumulated fatigue
片切磨削:patch division
排污强度:discharging intensity
硼酸溶液:boric acid solution
破碎煤体:fragmentized coal body
平均碳数:average carbon
页码:97221222223224 2252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392408: