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平面理论:plane theory
配基密度:ligand density
烹饪专业:cuisine specialty
平稳下降:Steady decline
盆地属性:basin property
评价分类:classification evaluation
泡孔增长:Bubble Growth
葡萄皮渣:grape pomace
配位催化:coordination catalysis
乒乓机制:Ping-Pong Bi-Bi mechanism
嚬呐偶合:pinacol coupling
喷淋设备:portable spraying Device
品质保证:quality guarantee
盆地评价:basin evaluation
抛光性能:polishing performance
配色系统:color matching system
配方确定:recipe determination
喷头选择:sprinkler selection
排布模式:arrangement model
喷口结构:structure of spout
平行反应:parallel reaction
膨胀效应:die-swell effect
平原河网:plain river network
硼硅玻璃:borosilicate glass
配位形式:coordination mode
平面药包:plane charge
刨削加工:planer machining
喷丸催渗:shot-peening acceleration
胚根生长:radicle growth
喷浆造粒:slurry-spraying granulation
平衡进浇:balanced pouring
屏蔽塑料:Shielding plastics
平底锭子:Flat-bottom Spindle
排放模型:emission model
盆缘沟谷:groove in basin edge
配方参数:Matrix parameter
平巷人车:tunnel man-bus
排渣尾气:Slag offgas emission
配刀软件:slitting line assembly program(SLAP)
排铅饮料:lead-discharged beverage
喷嘴风速:velocity of flow of nozzle
配基结构:ligand structure
频率弥散:frequency dispersion
喷气织造:Air-jet weaving
配管设计:piping design
页码:97201202203204205206 2072082092102112122132142152162172182192208: