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泡沫镍板:porous nickel mesh
拼白效果:whiteness pitching effect
批量层析:batch operation of chromatography
喷动高度:spouting height
排放特点:Drainage feature
排查系统:Check System
谱学特征:spectral characteristics
破碎型式:crash manner
旁路放水:bypass draw off water
皮带纵撕:longitudinal rip
评定技术:evaluation technique
品质评定:quality evaluation
苹果果粉:apple power
抛光材料:polishing material
啤酒销售:beer sale
频率分析:Frequency Analysis
配料方案:proportion scheme
皮蛋加工:preserved eggs
泡腾饮片:effervescent tablet
片外测试:out-chip test
泡沫吸附:adsorption by foam materials
膨体颗粒:swellable particle
谱学分析:Spectroscopic properties
配煤炼焦:coal blending and coking
贫软锰矿:low-grade manganese ore
膨胀发泡:intumescing and foaming
膨胀指数:expansion index
破乳性能:demulsification capability
偏硼酸钙:calcium metaborate
配模锥角:Matching die angle
泡孔质量:bubble quality
配套工艺:matching process
平行地层:parallel formation
破碎机构:crushing mechanism
排泄条件:Escape condition
攀西裂谷:Panxi rift
偏心轴套:eccentricity axis sheath
硼化合物:boron compounds
跑偏危害:aberrancy harm
跑偏原因:aberrancy cause
彭泽贝母:Fritillaria monantha Migo
膨胀合金:the alloy expands
喷吹机构:spraying and blowing organ
屏蔽特性:shield property
配置基准:configuration level
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215 2162172182192208: