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泡沫染整:foam dyeing and finishing
培养技术:culture technology
抛光误差:polish error
品牌嫁接:Graft of brands
瓶颈速度:neck speed
膨化硝铵:expanded ammonium nitrate
喷嘴外径:nozzle OD
屏蔽机理:shielding mechanism
铍共沉淀:coprecipitation with Beryllium
喷嘴加热:Hot-band transition
平头压痕:Cylindrical indentation
膨胀泥岩:expansion slime
平底铁杯:flat bottom iron cup
盘形刀具:disc cutter
皮革染料:leather dyestuff
偏轴效应:off axial effect
配消技术:proportion hydrate technique
排产模型:scheduling model
平衡分压:equilibrium partial pressure
膨胀规律:expansion rule
疲劳机理:fatigue mechanism
配置配合:compound and cooperation
喷墨油墨:ink jet
判别指标:identification index
平衡凸轮:equilibrium cam
平均组成:average composition
判别准则:judgement standard
盆地腹部:hinterland of Jugar Basin
排胶工艺:binder removal
喷淋清洗:spray cleaning
瓶颈裂缝:choked fracture
喷水系统:spray system
漂白废液:bleaching filtrates
偏钒酸铵:Ammonium metavanadate
配油设备:oil distribution
品质判别:quality evaluation
评估风险:property evaluation
偏钛酸镁:magnesium titanate
配毛模型:matching wool
配气管线:gas-distribution piping
皮带溜槽:belt chute
烹调应用:culinary application
硼酸钆锂:lithium gadolinium borate
喷溅模式:Spray Mode
皮革废渣:tannery waste
喷嘴布置:nozzle collocation
膨化浸出:extrusion-expansion and solvent extraction
频率计算:frequency calculation
平版胶印:lithography offset
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217 2182192208: