正常流失:normal wastage
正常办公时间:normal hours of attendance
整体政策架构:overall policy framework
整体效能:the integrated efficiency
整体工作表现评级:overall performance rating
整体纲领:overall framework
整体成本:holistic cost
整顿和规范土地市场秩序:rectify and standardize the order of the land market
整段任期;十足任期:full tour
整段任期:full term
整笔拨款:OLV [one-line vote]
征求…的同意:to request the consent of...
争议区域:the disputed areas
震感:seismaesthesia,feel of the earthquake(tremor)
镇压,平息;n.[古]屠杀:quell vt.
诊疗资料谘询表格:medical enquiry form
侦察航空兵:reconnaissance aviation
侦察飞机:surveillance plane
针织厂:knitting mill;knitwear mill
照顾现实情况:in consideration of the actual conditions
召之即来:Be always ready to respond to the call.
召开会议:to sit a meeting,to meet a meeting,to hold a meeting
招聘职级:first recruitment rank
战争形态正向信息化方向发展:The form of war is becoming increasingly information-oriented.
战勤作业车:Combat Service Vehicle
战略核导弹部队:The strategic nuclear missile force
战略高技术研究:strategically important hi-tech research
战斗勤务保障:Undertakes the tasks of performing combat readiness support
战场向陆、海、空、天、电多维空间发展:It has stretched the battlefield into multidimensional space which includes the land,sea,air,outer space and electron.
增薪证书:increment certificate
增薪薪级:incremental step
增薪日期:incremental date
增薪;跳薪;跳薪点:incremental jump
增收节支:adding income & saving paying
增强忧患意识,居安思危:Must be mindful of the potential danger and stay prepared against adversities in times of peace.
增强全民国防观念:Enhance the popular awareness of national defense
择优录取:admit / hire the best examinee / candidate / aplicant
造纸机械厂:Paper Making Machinery Plant
造就一支适应国防科技工业发展需要的专业配套、结构合理、素质精良的人才队伍:to bring up talented people and create a well-structured contingent of high-caliber people in a whole array of disciplines needed for the development of defense-related science,technology and industry.
赞赏信;嘉许书:letter of appreciation
暂用档案:L/M [loose minute]