自置居所贷款:home purchase loan
自置居所:home ownership
自行车厂:bicycle factory,cycle plant
自杀性攻击:suicide attack
自然流失;因退休或辞职而流失:natural wastage
自谋职业/自主创业:Find jobs on one's own/to become self-employed
自费留学生:self-funded / self-financed student studying abroad
自发的,出自自然的:spontaneous adj.
自动检索系统:auto-index system
自筹资金:raising fund
姊妹市团体联盟:United Towns Organization(UTO)
资讯科技署员工协会:Information Technology Services Department Staff Association
资讯科技署:Information Technology Services Department[ITSD]
资讯科技及广播局:Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau[ITBB]
资深人员晋升计划:Mature Officers Advancement Scheme
资料保安和保密规定:information security and secrecy provision
坠落的残骸、碎片:falling debris
追查档案:missing file search
壮大县域经济:expand intra-county economies
妆奁费:marriage gratuity
转业复员干部:Demobilized officers
转配股:trans rights issues
转亏为盈:turn loss into gain
转付薪酬表格:Form of Assignment
专责主管人员:functional head
专责职位:functional post
专责职级:functional rank
专责需要:functional need
专责性晋升职位:functional promotion post
专责阶层:functional level
专责核心职位:functional core
专责程序:functional process
专用物资供应和专用勤务保障由军兵种按建制系统组织实施:special material supply and service support are provided by the services and arms through their organic channels.
专利产品,仿冒必究:patented product(s),counterfeiting not allowed
铸铁导管协会:CIPI(Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute)
祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福:to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people
注意,留意;n.注意,留意:heed vt.& vi.
助学行动:activity to assist the impoverished students
住宅建筑企划委员会:Committee on Housing,Building and Planning
住所到办事处的行车津贴:home-to-office travelling allowance
住宿津贴:lodging allowance
主要工作范畴;主要成绩项目:key result area
主要部门:Major organization