仿射曲线:affine curve
仿射曲面:affine surface
仿射曲率:affine curvature
仿射连通廖:affinely connected manifold
仿射连通空间:affinely connected space
仿射距离:affine distance
仿射几何学:analytic geometry
仿射几何[学]:affine geometry
仿射概形:affine scheme
仿射法线:affine normal
仿射等温网:affine isothermal net
仿射等价:affine equivalence
仿射代数群:affine algebraic k-groups
仿射代数集:affine algebraic set
仿射簇的维数:dimension of an affine variety
仿射簇:affine variety
仿射超平面:affine hyperplane
仿射长度:affine length
仿射参数:Affine parameters
仿射变换群:affinegroup of transformations
仿射变换:affine transformation
仿射[代数]簇:affine [algebraic] variety
仿紧空间:paracompact space
方向微分法:directional differentiation
方向偏倚抽样方法:direction bias sampling method
方向检颂序:directoin search program
方程组的相容性:consistency of equations
方程式的根:root of equation
方程式的次数:degree of an equation
方程的图:graph of an equation
方程的解集:solution set of equation
方程的积表示:product representation of equation
方程的根:root of equation
方程的端边:member of an equation
方程的不变量:invariant of an equation
方差齐性检验:homogeneity of variance
方差来源:soruces of variation
方差的分量:component of variance
方差比检定:variance ratio test
方(矩)阵:square matrix
范形式:norm form
范围检验:range test
范拓朴:norm topology
范数剩余:norm residue
范数公理:norm axioms
范剩余符号:norm residue symbol
范剩余:norm residue
范德科普方法:Van der Corput method